Active Ingredients:
7.72% Triclopr BEE
.66% Sulfentrazone
29.32% 2,4,D, 2-ethylhexyl ester
2.22% Dicamba acid
TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide for Tough Weeds uses the proven performance of triclopyr and precise ratios of multiple active ingredients to provide effective cool-weather weed control in a speed product. TZone SE kills the toughest broadleaf weeds on turf, including wild violet, ground ivy, oxalis, and clover. It even provides suppression of young and actively growing yellow nutsedge.
T-Zone broadleaf herbicide provides exceptional control of broadleaf weeds in cool-season turfgrasses including: Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescues, and Ryegrasses . Total weed death usually even occurs in 7 to 14 days. Weeds controlled (but not limited to) include: Bindweed Black Medic Chickweed Clover Creeping Beggarweed Dandelion Ground Ivy Lespedeza Oxalis Plaintain Poison Ivy Poison Oak Speedwell Spurge Thistles Wild Violet Woodsorrel
Application rate: 3.2 to 4 pints/acre
1.2 to 1.5 oz./1,000 sq. ft.
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