Active Ingredient:
Fluazinam (17.0%)
Tebuconazole (17.5%)
Traction� Fungicide For Golf Course Turf
Traction� fungicide is a proven premix that helps golf course managers save time and stay in control of challenging diseases, including anthracnose, dollar spot, brown patch and snow mold. Traction fungicide combines FRAC 29 and FRAC 3 active ingredients supporting a strong disease resistance management program. Plus, by working on contact and systemically within the plant, Traction effectively controls 19 challenging turf diseases and algal scum. Traction delivers premium fungicide performance on every golf course area including fairways, greens, aprons and tees.
Get a grip on tough turf diseases with Traction�
-Excellent summer fungicide helps promote healthy, high quality, dark green turf
-Strong performance against major turf diseases including anthracnose,
dollar spot, brown patch and snow mold
-Broad spectrum � labeled for control of 19 diseases and algal scum
-Proprietary FRAC 29 + FRAC 3 combination that supports disease resistance management programs
-Versatile application for fairways, greens, aprons and tees
-Convenient premix formulation
-�Caution� signal word
All-terrain Fungicide For Every Course Area
-Labeled for cool- and warm-season golf course turf
-Use on every course area including greens, tees, fairways, aprons, rough
Stops troublesome turf diseases in their tracks
Brown blight
Brown patch
Brown ring patch (Waitea)
Copper spot
Dollar spot
Fusarium patch
Gray leaf spot
Gray snow mold
Large patch
Leaf spot (melting-out)
Pink patch
Pink snow mold
Powdery mildew
Red thread
Stem rust
Stripe smut
Waitea patch
Zoysia patch
Algal scum*
Application rate: 1.3 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft.
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