Active Ingredient: Pyrimisulfan
Vexis� Herbicide Granular uses the proprietary new active ingredient pyrimisulfan to deliver exceptional control of sedge and kyllinga species, plus listed broadleaf weeds. The granular formulation reduces the potential for drift or off-target application and can be applied to wet or dry turf. And Vexis is labeled for use on listed cool-season and established warm-season turfgrasses, including improved varieties of St. Augustinegrass.
Application Rate:
The application rate is 4 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. ( 3750 sq. ft. per bag)(174 lb. per acre). Retreatment after 30 days is allowed, up to 8.26 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. per year (370 lb. per acre per year).
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